This holiday has been really nice. I have had a wonderful time visiting family and getting caught up with two of my favorite people in the world: my nieces Zoe (6) and Annabelle (4). We have had quite the celebration here!
However,I have a confession to make: I struggle with the completely car-centric attitude that my nieces are being inducted into. For Christmas some relatives bought the girls a little battery-powered car to drive around in the yard. Needless to say, the tricycle Annabelle was enjoying a few days ago is no longer interesting in comparison to the car.
It is shocking to me to see that the car culture is sucking them in earlier and earlier with the help of well meaning people like my relatives. What gets me is that for the money that was spent on that little car that sucked up petroleum to produce the car and will use energy to keep it running, the girls could have had TWO really nice bicycles. They will outgrow that car in a year or two--if it lasts that long--and what then, a golf cart? Is it any wonder that by the time they are teenagers they'll feel entitled to a car? Hopefully, the newness of that car will wear off but the sense of adventure and freedom that comes with a bike will never end. I just hope that the girls are given that choice as well.