Today I rode in and wore my new balaclava which worked amazingly well! For such thin fabric it is awesome. Very surprising. I also wore my hunting gloves I got at Wallyworld and I was toasty. I rode in to meet with some students and then out to meet some other people for lunch. They were surprised when they realized I had come on my bike. The common refrain right now is, "You still riding?"
Over lunch we talked about bike commuting and the conversation got around to the cost of owning a car. One guy had just had the struts replaced on his car to the tune of $650. Another had other work done at a cost of $1200. Ouch. I had to take and get my kickstand bolt replaced after lunch....to the tune of...well nothing! They did it for free. I did have the brakes replaced a while back for around 15 bucks but that's it. I am always reminded of how much we work just to support our cars! I hope to be car free one day. For now, I am car lighter and lighter! :-D
Miles: 7
LOVE this and need it as a sticker. It's so very true for so many people. The cycle that is so easy to get caught in without even realizing it.