Today started out rough because I was running late and just felt irritable---I hate overcast days. To top it off, I had 3 (THREE!) bad encounters with cars today.
ENCOUNTER 1: I had just crossed Stadium at the light on Forum and was winding up that little side road to catch West. I was nearing West and around the corner comes this hugh jass navy blue work truck (the kind with big hips). The guy driving had turned off of West and instead of getting in the right hand lane, he stayed left and was headed straight for me. It took him a minute to realize that I had nowhere to go and he needed to get the heck over. My heart lurched in my chest when I realized how close it was. What an incredible moron.
ENCOUNTER 2 & 3: On the way home in the afternoon on Stewart, two cars decide to pass so closely I thought my pedal would scrap their cars (it would have served them both right). There is PLENTY of room people-so get over!
However, I am in a better mood simply because I got out and rode everywhere today. I got tons more work done and am still feeling fine at 6:30 at night.
Miles: 6
Dont be afraid to move a little further left.
ReplyDeleteI'm giving advice having no idea what actually happened......so take it FWIW!!! : )
Glad they were just close and not any closer. Way to ride skirt!