The more I bike everywhere, the more I want to have more energy for it and feel better. So, in an effort to get a handle on what goes in the ole' pie hole (and I literally mean 'pie' hole here people) I decided to use some nutritional software for awhile so that I am better educated on calorie intake and nutritional values. I found a freeware application called CRON-O-METER that I downloaded and like quite a bit (there are mac and pc apps).
I know that some people rely upon calorie counting alone but I want to go one step further and make sure that I am getting enough of the right nutrients. The nice thing about the software is that you are given a pie chart and graphs to clearly show you where you are too high or low in any given nutrient (you would be amazed at the nutritional value of just one cup of leafy greens and raw vegetables). I am supposed to eat between 1200-2000 calories per day. I am shooting for between 1200-1600 per day but with the highest nutrition I can get.
I also bought a food scale and some excellent powdered vitamins (AOR Essential Mix) to make sure I get what I need each day. I especially want to see how much stronger I get on the bike when eating well.
Miles: 6.0
I seem to yo-yo back and forth on the same 5lbs and need to get serious again. You will be my inspiration. I have used the Livestrong site (daily plate) for calorie tracking and like it. I should look at the CRON too, it sounds like it would be very helpful. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteWeird Scale....who knew that four strawberries weigh NOTHING! : )
I have to say that I am already aghast at how much fat is in some foods that look harmless enough when you read the label (without knowing fat percentages, etc). Restaurant food is scary too...no wonder so many are so overweight in this country---the food is totally sneaky.
ReplyDeleteRJ--ha ha ha!