Saturday I biked to work to teach. This is the first time I have had to navigate biking and dress clothes and I was worried. In my profession, it is important to maintain a professional appearance; this usually means suits or dress clothes such as a dress or dress slacks, heels, and a jacket. Fewer women wear heels today in teaching (try 8 hours on your feet in 2-3 inch heels) but looking professional is important. So I ironed my dress slacks and packed everything carefully, and biked into school in outdoor wear. I packed an iron in my panniers (no, I am not kidding). When I got to school I hung everything up in my office, steamed out any wrinkles and cleaned up in the bathroom. I ended up looking as professional as I ever have (hair in place, makeup, etc). I don't believe anyone could tell that I had biked into school. This was a triumph to me because it was one hurdle I felt I needed to get over on the way to a car free life.
Next hurdle? Winter riding.
Saturday: 7 miles
Sunday: 10 miles
Monday: 11.87 miles
Stuff I saw:
Saturday: A man, 50ish, in street clothes, sitting asleep in the tunnel with a beer can beside him, a young marine-looking man
with a GetAbout bike pin on his packback, a puppy in a backyard near West Blvd that has not been there before.
Sunday: A groundhog, a black snake on the trail, wildflowers, another bike in the rack at church
Monday: Tons of wildflowers on the MKT, two female cardinals fighting, a man studying corn in a field, a little blond-haired girl who heard me sound my bell on the trail and turned-wide-eyed- and exclaimed: " A BELL!" from her stroller.
Leave you dress clothes at your office if possible, then they are wrinkle free and ready to go. I have found that Downy wrinkle releaser works pretty well. You probably know this trick, but you definitely get fewer wrinkles when you "roll" your clothes instead of folding. Keep up the great work, you are motivation for all of us.
ReplyDeleteThanks Pam! I have cleaned out a drawer in my office to keep personal stuff in and am on the lookout for one of those old-fashioned metal closets that you can hang stuff up in. I forgot about 'rolling, but you are right: I'll do that this Saturday. So far, so good! :-)