Today I spent the morning helping out with the Cafe Berlin bike move. I wanted to see the possibilities for moving by bike, and it was amazing! I was so impressed by the heavy loads that were possible to move without a combustion engine! The camaraderie and good spirits were contagious and I had a blast. There were several younger kids there who moved large loads---total rock stars!
I also have to report that yesterday at church, I ran into some friends and they got to talking to me about biking everywhere and one of my friends (who doesn't know about this blog) said, "What is so cool is that you never look like you just biked here!" I was chuffed! My Masterplan is working!
She and I talked a lot about bike commuting. She has started to walk to work several times a week and is really curious about it all. We might have a convert!
Monday:17.83 (that is almost 18 miles people!! The farthest yet! Wa-hoo!)
Sunday: 9.42
It looked like fun;-)