Friday, October 16, 2009

Making healthy behavior fun!

A few weeks ago I posted on how healthy and unhealthy behavior can be "contagious". This video goes along with this whole idea. I think one of the biggest components missing for people who don't commute or ride their bikes regularly is that they simply don't know how much fun they are missing!

1 comment:

  1. We played on one of these in Boston this summer. It was fun. I noticed Jim and I were about the only adults willing to really let our hair down and have fun, many adults are too reserved or embarrassed I suppose. It was a good quad workout.

    Hey Rachel...I have a women's Brooks saddle I'm getting rid of. It's a black B17-S (no springs) and I rode it about 500 miles but just didn't like the shorter nose. It's in perfect condition. I ended up with the B17 regular with springs.
