Pileated Woodpeckers: Male on the right and female on the left.
Today I have gone everywhere on foot. I walked a couple miles on the trail and then to the grocery store. I found today that walking to the grocery store only takes me between 7-10 minutes one way. If I incorporate that into a workout, it is no extra time out of my day at all.
The best part about today though was that as I was walking down our spur to get to the trail, I rounded a corner and heard this very loud ringing call off to my right. It was LOUD. I turned and there was a pileated woodpecker on a dead tree. There were a cluster of dead trees in that area and he/she flew from one to another. The woodpecker stopped and called out again and to my left I heard another pileated woodpecker answer back. So the male and female must be there in those woods together. About then the one I could see flew overhead to a phone pole in front of me and started pecking away on the phone pole. Eventually the woodpecker flew into the wooded area where I had heard the other woodpecker and out of sight.
A good morning and once again, I saw cool stuff I would never have seen in a car!
Yesterday, I biked to Walmart off Grindstone with the burley and got some stuff I needed. I was hungry for dinner and stopped first to eat at Fudruckers. It was hard to attach the bike to their black railing but I got it done. People looked at first and several folks checked out the trailer as I left. It was funny. I kept thinking that yesterday would be a 'long' ride but it turned out to only be 8 miles. Surprise! It *felt* longer than 8 due to the hills and load I guess, but it was fun and I got what I needed without a car and with a lot more fun.
I want to get some good photographs of a one of those guys. I have plenty of shots but none that I think are that good.
ReplyDeleteActually I would like to get a great photograph of an Ivory Billed woodpecker and prove that they are not really extinct!
There actually is quite an interesting debate about if they are really gone or not. A researcher is quite sure he saw one in a large preserve in Arkansas.
I heard they saw it at the Cache River in Arkansas. My mom was just saying she would love to see an ivory billed woodpecker. My sister has two pileated woodpeckers that roost (?) around the woods of her house but I've only seen the male when I visited her. I need a camera! I'm not any good but it is fun to show people.