Sometimes, after a long, tiring day, I feel like the guy in this cartoon when I bike home. Somewhere between mile 1 and 2 something happens and without realizing it, I am not thinking about any frustrations or worries but focusing on what is around me, the sound of my breathing, and the effort of my body. I start noticing the texture of the air and wind, where the sun is, sounds, and colors. All this happens without me realizing it and once I get home I am in a better frame of mind. This never, ever happened in a car.
Today I biked up a hill I have gone up frequently, only today I did not break into panting or struggling even a tiny bit. I did not realize how much my fitness had improved until today. I just chugged up that hill without even thinking about it. I never thought that would happen.
Miles: 7.0
Stuff I saw: Man on a bench in flat branch park sitting with his laptop on his lap--sound asleep, man on a riding lawn mower staring at me, five cyclists with no helmets on, a beautiful guy with dreadlocks, a leaf that looked like a rat from a distance
Stuff I heard: (two college girls on the MKT)
Girl 1: (panting slightly) I have ridden my butt off today! It's gonna fall off!
Girl 2: Me too! I WISH my butt would fall off!
This blog is great! Keep it up!