Biked to work today and around town for some errands and then home tonight. It was pure bliss!!! My hand was stiff this AM but fine by afternoon and I did not even think about it at all. I have to do a lot with my left hand now and it is scraped and bruised from how awkard it is to do so much with your non-dominant hand. I see it as character building for my left hand. :-D
How I have missed biking. I am in a way better mood all day when I bike. I sleep better at night. And I can get a lot more done in a more convenient manner by bike. For example, I had a ton of books to take to the library and more to pick up and I just parked right outside Ellis, locked Lucy up and took care of my library bidness. Then off to eat dinner and ride home. I love riding down Stewart Rd to get home. There is always neat stuff to see. Tonight I saw a lady with a cute little dog in her front bike basket. He was enjoying the ride too!
Bikey bliss!
I am glad to hear your hand is better! It was good to see you Sunday. Got time for lunch?
HEY Sara! Yes, I am way better. I have lunch plans already but how about next week? Email me at my Gmail account.