I decided to buy a bike computer because I like to know how many miles I have ridden in a day, week, etc. I went to a couple bike stores in town and finally decided on the Cateye micro wireless which has 10 functions and a nice large face. It is pretty easy to use and has a backlight in case I need to check my miles in the dark :-)
Yesterday I biked 8.45 miles and today I had biked 7.77 miles by 9:30 AM. I go everywhere by bike that I used to go by car. I had a meeting at 8:00 and then swung by a bagel place (drive through) for a fresh bagel and coffee for breakfast while I worked on a manuscript. The girl at the bagel shop did not blink an eye when I pulled up in the drive through on my bike. The people behind me got some good stares in---but I just grabbed my bagel and coffee and zipped away. I took some new streets home and that was fun.
I used to ride 12 miles on a stationary bike several times a week but I can't say I made the gains in fitness I have made riding a bike commuting and hitting roads and trails. The hills of course are probably the main reason, but I think that riding on the roads uses a whole other group of muscles and balance that are not required on a stationary bike.
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