I received a flier about the P
edNet No Car, Low Car, Whoa! Car bike challenge this September and I have just about decided to commit to the No Car challenge. My biggest concern was that I will get back to teaching this fall and usually have quite a bit of 'stuff' (teaching supplies, etc) that are invariably part of my workday. I wondered how I would get everything I needed to school in my panniers because as spacious as they are, they won't fit it all very easily. However, since getting the Burley I will be able to haul all my teaching supplies to work with room to spare. So that little problem is solved. I can also pack extra clothes and any freshening up supplies as well. No need to scare my students with massive helmet head.
I can easily take the MKT to school in September with no problem, so the commute is not hairy at present. I would like to feel more confident commuting in the rain and colder weather. Having spent a good portion of my childhood in the South, 100+ degrees in summer and rampant humidity are par for the course but winter weather-well, no so much. From what I can tell from talking with other riders, cycling produces plenty of heat so hopefully with proper dress (don't know what that is just yet) all should be well.

On another note, I rode into town this afternoon to run some errands and as I was entering the MKT I looked down and there was an indigo bunting sitting on the ground. I had been fiddling with something on my bike and did not see him until I was very close. I stopped, he stopped, and then he flew away. I never tire of seeing those little birds!
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