Today I bought a Burley flatbed bike trailer off Craigslist. It is my first Craigslist buy and my first bike trailer. I have wanted one of these for awhile because I could see how useful they are and how much it will reduce my car usage. At present, I need the car for very few things--maybe only one or two trips per month. With this trailer, I can be car free in no time. I have to give a big shout out to RJ who gave me the heads up on this deal and gave it a look-see to make sure all was in order. Thanks RJ!

Hey R! Your new trailer is really nice! Have you carried anything on it yet? How much was it on Craigslist (if you don't mind my asking..)?!
Hey Sara! I paid $195 for it. The new ones I found online ranged from $238-300 and I would have had to pay shipping or get a LBS to order it for me so I thought the price was reasonable. It appears to be brand new and in great shape. I'll keep ya 'posted' on how my new wheels ride! :-D