Adrienne Johnson over at
Change Your Life, Ride a Bike posted a great post from a quote ("Men of England") on a sort of call to arms for taking back our lives from the tyranny of the car. Here's my version:
People of this planet
you have traded your birthright
for a lie
"Speed, Sex, Freedom, Power can be YOURS" they claim
all the while covering up the pollution, obesity, ill health, congestion, and dependence that mark
the Rule of the Car
Carism must be denounced
but you must
wake up to do it!
Belief that a car is the "only way"
kills our women, men, children, pets, and planet.
People of this planet
Get in your saddle and claim your birthright-
a world not ruled by machines and fear.
Reclaim your power to be physically and mentally strong
without destroying those in far away lands who can't see us
but feel our impact
Reclaim your power to be self-sufficient,
to make corporations shudder
and tremble at the sight of two wheels and
fast, fit, brazen, and whole people
riding on.