Thursday, April 29, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Bob Mionske: Man O' Bike Law

Bob Mionske: Man O' the Law (blond guy in the middle)
I just ordered Bob Mionske's Bicycling and the Law and can't wait to read it. I have become obsessed with knowing what the law says about cycling--which comes in handy when refuting junk when I hear it! I like knowing not only my responsibilities, but my rights. I will post more on this as I learn more so stay tuned!
Ride on people!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Pushing Pedals, Not Budgets

This article appeared in the New York Times today--I LOVE that it is school children who are being trained to learn bike mechanics and helping others gain more control and freedom over how they get around. Awesome!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Welcome back to the bikey life!

Last night was the first night I have been able to get to Cycle Recycle and it was AWESOME! I remembered how to do stuff that I was not sure I could do. Had lots of patient help from others and laughed a lot. I have stayed in 'ok' shape this winter by going to the gym but my thighs were still burning when I got home last night. Nothing like a good burn! :-)
I am so ready for Bike, Walk, and Wheel Week!
Miles: 7
Stuff I heard:
Guy: Is that how you say duodenum?
Girl: Yeah, I say do-ah-deh-numb. How do you say it?
Guy: I say duo-dee-numb too. Me and my wife have had some intense conversations about that.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Cycling with Parkinson's

An article in the New York Times covers some research on how patients with Parkinson's, people who cannot walk unassisted, are able to ride a bike! It is very cool so check it out!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Bike Commuting with a Cold

Dottie over at Let's Go Ride a Bike recently had a post on commuting with a cold. I have had two bad head colds over the last three months. Both times they came on after flying somewhere---all that internally circulated air on airplanes means passengers are bathed in one another's germs for several hours. Yuck!
To me, biking with a runny nose is not an issue but the cough I often get makes working up a sweat a bad proposition. Once I get warmed up and break into even a little sweat, I start coughing up a lung. I easily go through a large bottle of cough syrup per cold just to get some sleep at night. It is frustrating and causes me to miss at least a week of working out and bike commuting.
What do you guys do?
Saturday, March 27, 2010
This modern life

This Andy Singer cartoon sums up what a lot of work in the modern world amounts to: Sitting in front of a computer for the majority of a work day. I am amazed that so many professions have been centralized into basically "technological" work. I see this in education all the time: We foist technological "solutions" onto teachers and parents often urging them to make sure their children spend even more time in front of a screen each day. Then we all wonder why so many of our children (not to mention adults) are obese.

It is not easy to find solutions if so much of our work is attached to technology that requires we be passive physically to use it-- but I think active transportation is one solid solution that solves more than one problem; actually attacking multiple issues in a low-tech and effective way (rising cost of fuel, pollution, road safety, expense of road upkeep and maintenance, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, etc).
I would love to work out a way to collect my research data at schools here in Columbia so that I could ride my bike there and feel I was addressing more than one important lesson in life. I don't know if this will pan out, but I think it is worth trying because I feel more and more conflicted with only offering high tech, consumer oriented solutions to teachers, students, and parents that are creating as many problems as they are solving. (I realize some people think this is a simplistic answer, but they have not seen the amount of dialogue that is created when you arrive somewhere by bike when everyone else is stumbling out of cars with fast food wrappers spilling everywhere :-)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Beauty and the Bike
I have been following the Beauty and the Bike project out of the UK and am encouraged that other car-centric countries are asking why so many young people don't ride their bikes much anymore. I find that many women I know simply don't realize how easy it is to bike and what benefits we get from it. The project is coming out with a DVD and I hope to get a copy (and the book) to keep up with the project. Wish we could something like that here......
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Just to get the blood pumping
Bad Driver TV-The Right Hook from Brendan on Vimeo.
I found this video on Bad Driver TV and thought it was both interesting and angering! I couldn't get over how easily the cyclist overtakes the car once the driver heads into the shopping complex. When the cyclist catches up to him to talk to him the guy's wife (in the car) says 'I'm sorry we won't do it again!" several times. She seems alarmed.
Just remember: "Anger is one letter away from Danger"!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Cars & Debt
Today I had a meeting with one of my international TAs at school and the conversation rolled around to staying solvent in graduate school. Coming from a country outside the U.S., she asked me if it was possible to make a living working at stores like Old Navy or Target. I told her that if you owned a car, absolutely not!
Of course I ended up yanking out Chris Balish's How to Live Well Without Owning a Car. She and her husband (and one child) live close-to-the-bone as graduate students and both work multiple jobs to stay solvent. When I told her that the average family pays over $8,000.00 per year to own a car she did not believe me. We opened up Balish's book and started tallying. She stopped counting when she hit $8,000.00 for only one of their two cars.
It was an interesting conversation and make me think about how much Car Culture has influenced people that are often struggling to make ends meet in the U.S. yet feel forced to buy into what counts for "normalcy". These two just looked at what everyone else was doing and bought into the old "but I need a car to get to my job and be a responsible adult" without thinking about the fact that in this country, your employer can require you to have a driver's license but never pay you enough to own the car they are implying you *must* have to work for them.
I am not trying to glorify or romanticize being car free or car lite, but I couldn't help but see the strain this young couple are under financially for what amounts to two depreciating assets. This just does not make sense to me.
Food for thought.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Love Scars & Handlebars

I am traveling to Atlanta next week for a conference (AAAL-American Association of Applied Linguistics--I know.....SEXY!) and found out that there is going to be this awesome event while I am there. I have to attend a few meetings and then I am OFF to visit my old stomping ground and get some major bikey love.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Bike Envy: Round II
I have been plotting and planning for a year about possibly getting another bike. My current bike (Schwinn Cross Cross) was my Mom's that she rarely rode so she gave it to me. It is reliable, pretty comfortable, fairly light, and gets the job done. I would most definitely keep this bike even if I bought a new one for certain kinds of trips, or if I was going to have to leave it in an area where there was high theft (I love this bike but it is certainly not new looking anymore).
However, I can't decide what kind of bike to get. I am drawn to the Omafiet (shown below).

This bike is heavy but classy and could carry a lot of stuff. Given my daily 7-10 mile commute roundtrip this would be doable. Dottie over at Let's Go Ride a Bike has an Oma and swears by it. The Oma has generator hub lights and an internal gears which would be nice.
However, I also am drawn to more technical bikes that are built for speed and are light. Not pure road bikes per say but hybrids that can get the job done.

It is hard to decide. I think this is why people who bike a lot, especially for commuting, have more than one bike. Or maybe I am rationalizing. :-) I do like to think that for the price of one used car, I could have several bikes at my disposal and never have to pay a dime for insurance or gas. Now I don't feel so guilty for wanting a new one. :-D
However, I can't decide what kind of bike to get. I am drawn to the Omafiet (shown below).

This bike is heavy but classy and could carry a lot of stuff. Given my daily 7-10 mile commute roundtrip this would be doable. Dottie over at Let's Go Ride a Bike has an Oma and swears by it. The Oma has generator hub lights and an internal gears which would be nice.
However, I also am drawn to more technical bikes that are built for speed and are light. Not pure road bikes per say but hybrids that can get the job done.

It is hard to decide. I think this is why people who bike a lot, especially for commuting, have more than one bike. Or maybe I am rationalizing. :-) I do like to think that for the price of one used car, I could have several bikes at my disposal and never have to pay a dime for insurance or gas. Now I don't feel so guilty for wanting a new one. :-D
Thursday, February 18, 2010
People of this Planet

Adrienne Johnson over at Change Your Life, Ride a Bike posted a great post from a quote ("Men of England") on a sort of call to arms for taking back our lives from the tyranny of the car. Here's my version:
People of this planet
you have traded your birthright
for a lie
"Speed, Sex, Freedom, Power can be YOURS" they claim
all the while covering up the pollution, obesity, ill health, congestion, and dependence that mark
the Rule of the Car
Carism must be denounced
but you must
wake up to do it!
Belief that a car is the "only way"
kills our women, men, children, pets, and planet.
People of this planet
Get in your saddle and claim your birthright-
a world not ruled by machines and fear.
Reclaim your power to be physically and mentally strong
without destroying those in far away lands who can't see us
but feel our impact
Reclaim your power to be self-sufficient,
to make corporations shudder
and tremble at the sight of two wheels and
fast, fit, brazen, and whole people
riding on.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Jeff and Erin's Epic Wedding Adventure
If you have not heard about this video, you should check it out over at the Huffington Post
This post has nothing to do with cycling but is really clever and funny. This couple decided to make SURE that everyone saved the date for their impending nuptials. Jeff and Erin Wong "skipped the dainty cards most couples use and made a video. But not just any video, an awesome epic ridiculous one that takes you through as many movie genres as you can imagine with the couple starring in each. It's so well done that you can't help but love this pair and wish them a lifetime of happiness" (Huffington Post, 1-23-10).
This post has nothing to do with cycling but is really clever and funny. This couple decided to make SURE that everyone saved the date for their impending nuptials. Jeff and Erin Wong "skipped the dainty cards most couples use and made a video. But not just any video, an awesome epic ridiculous one that takes you through as many movie genres as you can imagine with the couple starring in each. It's so well done that you can't help but love this pair and wish them a lifetime of happiness" (Huffington Post, 1-23-10).
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Some winter cheer
I found this great video over at Happy Healthy Long Life and it brought a smile to my face on this overcast day.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Pedal-powered snowplow
I found this clever video over at Urban Simplicity and thought it was quite timely. We could use this about now!
I hate to say I have not been able to ride my bike for a bit due to travel and now a nasty head cold. Looking forward to feeling better and trying out some winter cycling (the first in my life)!
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